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Writer's pictureQylah Umm Jannah

Knowledge in Context

🏟️What’s the aayah for this?

What’s the Hadeeth for that?

I need a fatwa real quick…

🏟️Yes this is true, we need evidence for what we say in reference to Islaam.

🏟️However some Muslims have the mentality of the “tricksters” from the past.

🏟️Those people who in order not to have to do something in the religion, or in order to debate a matter that they are guilty of, they will request an aayah, Hadeeth, or fatwa.

🏟️Asking for evidence with sincerity of ensuring that what you apply religiously is different than asking for evidence so that you can prove a point or be slick.

🏟️In addition, there’s not always an exact aayah, Hadeeth, quote etc to prove every single matter in the religion. To assume or rely on this is a farse to say the least!

🏟️Rather, there are issues in the religion that require a context around it…and the evidence may be derived from other foundational principles in the religion to acquire the answer or solution to certain issues.

🏟️We need to learn our religion in context and not expect that every answer or situation in the religion is a quick answer of “halaal, haraam, yes, or no.”

🏟️Context is everything even in life! The laws and outcomes of everything rely upon the context in which it happened. So why do we expect these unrealistic responses Islaamically?

🏟️Because some people are asking questions maliciously and not sincerely. There’s a big difference between the two.

🏟️Once true knowledge is attained in context, then it relieves us of being confused and living in difficulty.

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🏟️May Allaah bless us with beneficial knowledge and the implementation of it Aameen 🤲🏼 Baarak Allaahu Feekum بارك الله فيكم

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