As salaamu ‘alaykum السلام عليكم
Firstly I would love to convey the message “Eid Mubaarak.” I hope that you all have a blessed happy Eid with family and friends In shaa Allaah ان شاء الله .
Being that it’s that time of year to celebrate and let loose , I seen fit to share a brief reminder about the Eid. There’s no doubt that partying hard is what we look forward to doing after Allaahالله has permitted us to complete one of the pillars of Islaam. Fasting and participating in the blessed month of Ramadhaan.
We’ve worked so hard all month and beg that Allaahالله accept our efforts. The two Eids that we have are a celebration after Muslims have completed a pillar of Islaam either Ramadhaan or Hajj. That being said, with having had worked so hard before either of these celebrations why end it in sin? Many Muslims fall into the deception of ending off these two pillars with Haraam (impermissible/prohibited) actions. Celebrating is one thing… but sin is another.
We must not get carried away when celebrating and fall into error by participation in actions that are sinful then labeling it “celebrating.” Actions such as drinking alcohol, women uncovering, listening to music, smoking, cursing etc. These are sins and not “fun.” It’s like going to work and earning your paycheck, you worked really hard for it. After receiving the check, you just throw it in the garbage. Likewise, imagine all the good deeds and blessings a person is throwing away by committing these acts. Besides , one of the reasons you indulged in these sacred times of year was to improve and emerge as a better Muslim, not the same or worse.
So have fun! But do not blow the worship and efforts that you’ve worked so hard to earn all in a matter of a few days. There are many fun activities a Muslim can do during the Eid and other than the Eid. Listed below are a few:
-Visit family and friends. -Eat special foods. -Outdoor activities. Example: Games and sports -Dress in your best clothing *Note: For women this means we are to still maintain the correct covering. Just because it is Eid , that doesn’t give us permission to uncover and exceed the limits. -Go to indoor/outdoor amusements parks. -Give and receive gifts. -Decorate the house with festive items such as balloons etc -Attend the local Masjid gatherings. -Watch something together with friends. (permissible film) -Entertainment.
May Allaahالله keep us safe and allow us to enjoy the Eid in a manner that is pleasing to Him Aameen. Enjoy, Baarak Allaahu Feekum بارك الله فيكم